Dublin: 12 °C Wednesday 8 May, 2024

# Week in Web

All time
Weird Wide Web: Selfie proposals, a drone circus and the best looking console game EVER
Weird Wide Web: Kicking dogs, beating evil with love and testing you for STDs
Weird Wide Web: A dating app for weed smokers, self-driving cabs and Irish YouTube porn
Weird Wide Web: Creepy stalking software, a dose of virtual reality and a futuristic hospital
Weird Wide Web: Invisible boyfriends, reckless Snapchats and what it's like to have your life stolen online
Weird Wide Web: Terrorist hackers, missing children on Facebook and the anti-Tinder
Weird Wide Web: A miracle phone battery, updating your relationship status and the kitchen of the future
Weird Wide Web: Robot lessons, calming apps and a snarky Lindsay Lohan game
Weird Wide Web: A 3D printed miracle, a robot bartender and exploring your own street in virtual reality
Weird Wide Web: Online vigilantes, a tech founder lashing out and apps to help your sex life
Weird Wide Web: Steve Jobs back from the dead, smart tree lights and Zoella tops Harry Potter
Weird Wide Web: A bloody game, a coding Taoiseach and the #1 porn video of all time
Weird Wide Web: A sexist Barbie book, a handy spy tool and Russians watching you right now
Weird Wide Web: Dogs on holidays, a lovable troll and Kim Kardashian's giant rear end
Weird Wide Web: Facebook stopping Ebola, a Spotify break-up and a transparent car
Weird Wide Web: Tim Cook out and proud, emoji searches and a sweet Halloween app
Weird Wide Web: Anonymous chat rooms, an unusual umbrella and an iPod for dogs
Weird Wide Web: Freezing eggs, Pac-Man stamps and Apple's latest announcement
Weird Wide Web: An apology to drag queens, a DOOM Lego masterpiece and helping you switch off
Weird Wide Web: Dogspotting, virtual reality teasing and bent iPhones
Weird Wide Web: Smartphone lanes, cat music remixes and robot snake arms
Weird Wide Web: New iPhones, Instagram drug deals and a sandpit game controller
Weird Wide Web: A leak of nude photos, some clever chopsticks and speaking only in emojis
Weird Wide Web: Timelapses, furniture shopping and seeing the world through a dog's eyes
Weird Wide Web: Secret dinner parties, speeding Google cars and a test of your sanity
Weird Wide Web: A Facebook scam, a Forrest Gump game and a pop-up ad apology
Weird Wide Web: Dating abandoned animals, a Gaza smartphone game and suing Facebook
Weird Wide Web: Life on Mars, World Cup withdrawal and sexting extortion
Weird Wide Web: Robot wars, serious gamers and perfectly healthy humans
Weird Wide Web: Shopping on Facebook, a Kim Kardashian app and a controversial logo
Weird Wide Web: Tweeting during penalties, giant rollable TVs and a shocking exercise tool
Weird Wide Web: A Facebook experiment, a Lindsay Lohan lawsuit and a dog weight loss app
Weird Wide Web: Slingshot, karaoke and a cardboard box
Weird Wide Web: An Indie platform game, some Apple nostalgia and Yo
Weird Wide Web: Turing tests, app imitation and critical robots
Weird Wide Web: Emotional robots, attractive video chats and online dating for the elderly
Weird Wide Web: Broadband on the moon, thefties and self-driving cars
Weird Wide Web: Facebook nosiness, a GIF machine and a virtual reality war
Weird Wide Web: Kissing with tongues, rose-tinted glasses and some terrified journalists
Weird Wide Web: Gaming prejudice, interior design and a drinkable book