LABOUR MAY BE revising the maxim that there’s no such thing as bad publicity after Joan Burton became a trending topic on Twitter last night.
Unfortunately for the Dublin West TD, her much-tweeted about performance on TV3′s Tonight With Vincent Browne (see it here) attracted little positive comment. Her constant interruptions of fellow panellist, Socialist Party MEP Joe Higgins, and host Browne left the pair open-mouthed- and set viewers who were simulataneously logged onto social media all a-flutter.
At the end of the TV3 show, resident Twitter watcher Cassie Stokes informed Joan she was a trending topic worldwide on Twitter because of the volume of tweets posted which contained her name. Stokes managed not to answer Vincent Browne when he asked her exactly why Joan had become… trendy.
Joan Burton posted a single response to all of last night’s Twitter activity on her official account this morning, @joanburtontd, which read:
Good morning, thank you for all your comments last night. Challenging debate on Vincent Brown (sic) last night. Need to focus on real solutions.
These are some of the tweets that pushed Joan Burton into the trending stratosphere last night: