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Dublin: 7 °C Monday 17 March, 2025

32 milestones in every Irish person's life

Growing up, growing up to be…

TODAY THIS FRANKLY preposterous depiction of what you should have achieved at certain stages in your life is doing the rounds.

You should have purchased your first home at 27, had your second child by 31, etc.


We’ve put together the real stages of every Irish person’s life, from teens to retirement…

Glassford Graveyard Source: JaredEarle

Age 14: First shift in the local playground/graveyard/Quinnsworth car park

Age 17: Nervous breakdown over CAO form. Put Medicine down first, ‘just in case’

Age 18: Leaving Cert. Leave final exam after 45 minutes, burn school tie while leaving building

Age 19: Move out of home for four months. Finally get the ride

Age 19 and a half: Move back home again due to storage heater PTSD and an inability to keep your only towel dry

June 8 - 15, 2010 Source: osseous

Age 20: Wonder if you’re getting a Goldschlager and Tuborg-related ulcer

Age 21: Get 10 driving lessons for your 21st. Use them immediately but render them pointless by not being able to afford any more lessons/a car/car insurance until you’re at least 26. Try to get away without having to sit on a chair and be slobbered on 21 times at your 21st birthday party. Fail miserably.

kiss Source: carolywakefield

Age 22: Feel very avant garde as you cook your first stir fry

Age 22 and a half: Meet someone on a night out and go home with them for 2 days. Housemate gets concerned and calls your mam. You will never live this down

Age 23: Buy your first tea towel. Don’t use it for four months out of fear of ‘dirtying it’

Age 24: Buy your first frying pan. Don’t use it for 3 months out of fear of ‘wrecking it’

Age 24 and a half: Buy a second set of bedclothes to use when your only set are in the wash. Feel exceptionally grown up.

New sheets... Source: Matt Seppings

Age 25: Get invited to your first wedding, feel very adult and important

Age 26: Become jaded with people getting engaged on Facebook. Start hiding them from your timeline. Consider online dating

Age 27: Get invited to your 14th wedding. Consider setting yourself on fire. Stop bothering to partake in the first dance/cake cutting bits

Ages 27 – 30 and beyond: Spend the days after weddings lying in a darkened room watching 17 episodes of Parks and Recreation and ordering chinese takeaways just for the chips and tins of Fanta

Fanta Boat Source: Matty Ring

Age 28: Move to your 9th rented accomodation in 8 years. Rejoice as you are finally solvent enough to reject anywhere with storage heaters.

Age 28 and a bit: Turns out they were storage heaters after all. Become resigned to your storage heater fate

Age 29: Call in sick for a week in order to binge watch The Gilmore Girls on Netflix. Best week of your life to be honest


Age 30: Finally meet a nice girl/boy. Turns out your mate shifted them last year in Coppers. Wonder if this makes it too weird for you to go out with them

Age 30 and a bit: It was too weird. Back to Tinder.

Age 31: Buy your first avocado. Worry about how ripe it is for three days. Leave it too long and have to throw it away

Age 32: Break it to your mother that you’re thinking of not coming home for Christmas this year, and going to your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s instead.


Age 33: Your mother starts speaking to you again

Age 35: Start obsessively counting how many fertile years you have left in you. Google “adoption, just in case”

Age 39:Suddenly have three kids. Google “educate together schools + waiting lists”

Age 40: Go to Electric Picnic in a bid to feel young and hip. Give up and leave on Sunday morning, crippled with paranoia about failing the inevitable breathalyser even though you stopped drinking at 7pm on Saturday

Electric Picnic Music Festivals Source: Sam Boal/Photocall Ireland

Age 45: Give in and buy a people carrier. Spend the next 11 years paying for it

Age 46: Go and see ACDC in concert. Never feel more alive

Age 55: Rejoice as your kids finally leave home and you can buy booze again without the fear of it instantly vanishing no matter how many locks you put on the drinks cabinet

Age 65: Retire. Get a smartphone and send texts to your kids that end up on the internet.

bagg Source: Brendan O'Loughlin

Age 70+: Give absolutely no f**ks

That ‘Ultimate Guide to Life’ that’s being shared is tripe and everyone knows it

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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