CUDDLING IN BED is all very nice in theory. You think you’ll be there, all snuggled up and comfy, delighted to bask in the warmth of your partner.
The reality is somewhat different. The reality is a dead arm, a sweaty back and a dodgy night’s sleep.
Now, however, there is a product to solve at least one of those issues.
Presenting… the cuddle mattress.
Invented by Mehdi Mojtabavi, the product has slits in it which allow for the spooner to slot their arm into the mattress when it’s under the spoonee, thus avoiding the dead arm scenario. It comes with special sheets too, so don’t worry about hygiene. Although, can you imagine putting them on? Nightmare.
Unfortunately, despite winning awards for design, the cuddle mattress has not going into production yet. We will, of course, keep you posted.
H/T to Salon.