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Dublin: 5 °C Wednesday 19 March, 2025

Cancer survivors launch campaign for a ‘bald Barbie’ doll

A Facebook campaign asking Mattel to manufacturer a Barbie undergoing cancer treatment is gaining worldwide steam.

Cutting the hair off a Barbie doll isn't enough for some people - who want Mattel to manufacture a Barbie doll recovering from cancer treatment.
Cutting the hair off a Barbie doll isn't enough for some people - who want Mattel to manufacture a Barbie doll recovering from cancer treatment.
Image: Facebook

BARBIE HAS BEEN an astronaut, an architect, a Nascar driver, and a news anchor. Now, there’s an online movement to get her to attempt what could be her biggest feat yet: going bald to fight cancer.

A Facebook page titled ‘Beautiful and Bald Barbie! Let’s see if we can get it made’ was started a few days before Christmas. By this afternoon, the page had more than 15,000 fans.

The goal is to get toy maker Mattel to create a bald Barbie in support of children with cancer.

Friends Rebecca Sypin and Jane Bingham, who live on opposite coasts but have both been affected by the disease, hatched the idea for the social media movement because Barbie is an influential children’s toy.

Bingham has lost her hair due to chemotherapy treatments to treat lymphoma. Sypin’s 12-year-old daughter, Kin Inich, also lost her hair this year in her own battle to treat leukaemia.

Mattel didn’t return calls seeking comment, but the women said they have contacted the company through some general form letters. In return, they said, they’ve received form letters that say Mattel doesn’t accept ideas from outside sources.

The women say a bald Barbie would provide a huge platform to raise awareness for children with cancer.

11-inch legend

Barbie – all 11.5 inches of her – is one of the best-known toys of all time. She can sell for $10 at Wal-Mart or $7,000 on eBay.

She’s taken on all sorts of incarnations throughout her nearly 53 years of existence, crushing stereotypes and showing little girls that they can be whatever they want to be.

There’s been an elegant Grace Kelly Barbie; a Barbie in thigh-high pink boots; a tattooed Barbie; a pregnant Barbie friend, and another Barbie friend in a wheelchair.

But Barbie has also been dissed for not being as socially responsible as she could be. She’s best known for her curves, which long have sparked complaints by women’s groups that say she imposes an unachievable physical standard on young girls. She was also lambasted when a talking version uttered an exclamation about math class being hard.

The friends who started the ‘Beautiful and Bald Barbie’ movement aren’t natural activists. Sypin, 32, is a special needs assistant; Bingham, 41, is a photographer.

“We’re not demanding that the company do anything,” Sypin said. “We’re just hoping somebody sees this and can help us make it happen.”

Overall, Sypin said she’s been pleased with the response to the Facebook page. One fan of the Facebook page wrote of Mattel: “If they are making dolls that are inspiring young girls with careers then why not make a doll that would inspire young girls who are dealing with cancer.”

One step further?

Some commenters suggested the friends take the movement further and extend it to boys. So, over the weekend, they started an accompanying Facebook page, “Bald G.I. Joe Movement.” Hasbro, the maker of G.I. Joe, didn’t immediately return a call for comment.

The movement has its critics, too. Some people have told the women to just take a normal Barbie and shave her hair off to make the same point.

Bingham posted photos where she did just that — resulting in patchy, unattractive clumps on Barbie’s head. She also posted digitally doctored pictures of a bald Barbie to show how beautiful the doll could be.

And to people who say that it makes more sense to just donate to cancer research rather than to buy a bald Barbie?

“A lot of these people wouldn’t have even thought about doing that without this movement,” Bingham said.

- Christina Rexrode

About the author:

Associated Foreign Press

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